Delaware Vanity Plate Search: A Step-by-Step Guide


Delaware Vanity Plate Search

Having a vanity plate expressing your beliefs, humor or concerns sounds intriguing, doesn’t it? Indeed, this is a unique means to make your voice heard. Well, we are glad to inform you that it is possible to order your very own unique car plate. However, before rushing to order one for yourself, it is crucial to consider several rules concerning the Delaware vanity plate search.

Allowed Vehicle Types

It is allowed to put rear plates only on autos, pickups, vans, and motorcycles. These regulations are set by the Delaware Department of Finance and Administration.

Note: Delaware is included in the list of 19 states that do not require obligatory front license plates.

The Fee

A customized car plate costs $40.00 per year. This price is added to the annual registration fee of the vehicle.

Note: Credit and debit card transactions are implemented with a 2.1% payment processing fee.

Possible Limitations

A license plate should have a maximum of 7 characters for an auto. The allowed number of characters for a motorcycle is a maximum of 5. When designing a personalized inscription, any word combinations with letters from A to Z are acceptable. Moreover, you can add numbers from 0 to 9, spaces, hyphens and ampersands.

Also, consider the following rules to have your application accepted:

  • Numerals should be on the right of all letters;
  • Numerals without letters are prohibited;
  • Letters “I” and “O” cannot be followed by numerals;
  • Combinations with only “I” and “O” letters or “1” and “0” numerals are prohibited;
  • Except for space, hyphen and ampersand, no punctuation marks are allowed.

To avoid unwanted situations when another citizen has already taken the word combination you want, visit the Vanity Plate Search and Reservation website.

For more detailed rules, check the information here.

Application Form

Currently, applications for customized plates are conducted in person at DMV locations. A citizen needs to fill in the following form to get a personalized inscription.

Application procedure differs if a citizen conducts a Delaware DMV vanity plate search for another person. In this case, it is necessary to fill in the Special Interest License Plate Application.

Delaware DMV informs its citizens that all applications expressing hate speech will be denied and banned.

How to Get a Black License Plate?

Although black-and-white vanity plates are prestigious, they are technically illegal in most states. People are ready to pay thousands of dollars to have a black-and-white label instead of a standard blue or gold one.

Nevertheless, there is still a chance to get a black car plate. All you need is to have a number low enough.

Bottom Line

States like Delaware give drivers the freedom to choose any design for their vanity plates. This is an ideal option to express one’s personality and style or advertise a company’s products and services.

The Overview

Having a unique vanity plate will help drivers freely express their views, humor or beliefs. It is also an excellent opportunity for advertising and promoting a company’s brand identity.

Delaware is one of those 19 states that allow having only a rare customized vanity plate. However, drivers can still put one in front of their vehicle. There are no strict restrictions concerning the design of their front plate. However, before ordering a personalized inscription, check the information at Delaware Vanity Plate Search and Reservation website.

According to principal regulations set by Delaware DFA, the license plate costs yearly $40.00, added to the vehicle’s annual registration fee. It is allowed to put license tags only on autos, pickups, vans and motorcycles. The plates can contain any letter combination. Moreover, citizens can choose to put numbers from 0 to 9, hyphens, spaces or ampersands.

It is essential to keep in mind that Delaware DMV will not accept applications expressing hate speech.