Alabama Tag Numbers Lookup


Alabama Tag Numbers Lookup

You can look up free license plates on the Internet. With your Alabama numberplate get a complete car report for free.

The vehicle report mainly contains the Current warranty, Market value, Vehicle specifications, Fuel efficiency, Equipment details, Safety rating, Inspection checklist.

How to Search for a Car Tag to Identify the Owner

There are many reasons why you might want to get an automobile holder with a number. For example, you could be a business proprietor trying to verify the information provided by someone.

There are several websites that help you to obtain your license number information. However, under the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) it is illegal to reverse the search unless you have a legitimate reason to do so.

Before attempting to use such a website, you should review your privacy policy to ensure that you have a protected cause. The safest way to obtain car tag details is to communicate with the Division of Motor Vehicles or the Police Department, which issued that. Below are your actions in steps:

  1. You should contact the police, which has just issued the license of the automobile. It is necessary to submit a police report there. They, of course, can’t publish the identity of the holder. Instead, they may offer to help you with that.
  2. If your search is not related to an accident or crime, contact the DMV of the state that issued it.
  3. Fill in the survey form. This is usually available online. If not, request it from the DMV. Read the instructions, because some documents require the signature of a government official or business.
  4. Please note that you’ll have to pay to search for reverse ones. The fees are different. Details about the holder will be provided to you if the request is in accordance with the law. If your message is denied, hire a private investigator to help you.

How to Run a License Plate

When running it you get personal information about the owner of the vehicle. There are many reasons why a person may want to use it. However, ordinary citizens have limited access to this information. DMV and the police are the only authorized personnel legally permitted to trace a number. Here’s the sequence of steps you need to take:

  1. Communicate with the Division of Motor Vehicles. They have a list of owners of state tags. Contact them and find out for yourself if it is you attempting to run a tag that already belongs to someone else.
  2. Fill out the survey form. These are usually available online. However, if you can’t find them, they are not available online, ask them from your local DMV.
  3. Please note that some of these require the signature of a business or government official. For example, it may need to be filled out by an insurance agency if the reason for operating it is an accident. Explain the procedure to the administrator before filling it out.
  4. You have to pay. It’ll charge a fee for operating the tag. Fees will vary depending on the type. Check with your local institution for the exact value.
  5. If your message complies with all standards of the law, it’ll provide you with details on the owner of the number. And if your request is denied, look for a private investigator to help you further.

Alabama License Plate

Alabama is one of the 19 states where it is mandatory to have a tag only on the back. Anyone purchasing a new or used automobile must obtain it within twenty calendar days of the date of purchase.


There are nine types to choose from. Each of them has different fees and requirements.

  • Standard
  • Distinctive
  • Collegiate
  • Military
  • Armed Forces Retired

You can find the other types here.