Stolen Vehicle Database License Plate Alaska


Stolen vehicle database license plate Alaska


License plate theft is one of the most recurring cases in Alaska. People steal it for several reasons. Either their own is already under the control of the Police, or their motor does not have insurance, etc. In this case, how to carry out the thief and control the situation so that such things do not happen to you? In general, what behavior should be shown if your tag was stolen? If you ask yourself those questions, read this article.

What to do when a license plate is robbed?

First, if you lose it, the Alaska Department of Public Safety warns you not to take action on your own. They recommend you contact the nearest law enforcement agency or the Alaska State Troopers. On this site, you’ll see a list of numbers that have been taken or lost.

Note that the list of employees updates every night. Visit this page if you have such a problem or are sure that you have encountered a taken one yourself.

  1. Do not drive your car until you have reported the robbery to the appropriate authorities. The Police should come and write a message about the theft. It is illegal to drive without it.
  2. Obtain a message from the visiting officer.
  3. The oncoming Police officer must give you his/her business card and write the report on the front. He writes a brief description of the robbery on the back, which you’ll need when they stop you for not having it. Note that there is also a special phone number for the officer so that he calls the appropriate place if he has any questions.
  4. Report to your DMV office.
  5. Obtain a temporary tag from the state as soon as possible.
  6. If it turns out that the robbery took place in a hotel or resort, negotiate a price reduction on the grounds that you are on vacation and can’t pay due to unforeseen expenses. Management may agree to withdraw some money from your account for additional costs associated with obtaining a new one.

Do people actually swipe license plates?

Thieves usually steal from those who have the same automobile, and in that case, the DMV can hardly catch the burglar right away.

Do you remember the last time you looked at your number? Not just to check if it’s on your vehicle, but to make sure everything is right there.

Thieves usually rob them of those who have similar automobiles. So, when we usually look at our tags without reading them, at first glance everything seems normal. Thus, we do not even assume that it is taken.

The only way is for the Police to check the conformity in the database as it is impossible to see it at first glance.

In general, thieves change them and put on your car someone’s who is wanted by the security forces for his or that crime.

People steal them for many reasons.

  • Not having insurance
  • Driving a stolen car
  • Having a suspended license

Crimes like these happen anywhere, such as in parking lots, malls, or even near houses.

How to protect yourself in such situations?

  • The first point is obvious. Just check it regularly.
  • Buy special screws that are difficult to remove with ordinary screwdrivers.
  • Order them online or at a local dealership.
  • Stop affixing your new registration stickers to an old one.

Burglars put razor blades under the sticker. Instead, grate the old, apply mineral alcohol, and stick to it. Now, if someone tries to swipe it, the sticker will tear to pieces.

  • Lastly, do not use number plates. The thief uses the latch under to remove it without damaging it.

Information About Alaska License Plates

Auto owners in Alaska must have two number plates, front and rear.

Moreover, it is possible to put them on other cars belonging to the same owner. Just make sure to register it in the name of the current owner. This will be done during the title/registration application.

If you have a damaged or missing tag, request their replacement.

To replace, the applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • Make Model
  • Application Form 812
  • Vehicle Registration Copy, if available
  • Payment ($5)
  • VIN


There are seven types. You just need to be aware of the requirements for each type.

  • Standard
  • Military
  • Specialty
  • University
  • Causes
  • Disability
  • Fraternal Orders

There are also personalized ones. Apply for them online or by submitting your registration form.