NJ Personalized Plates



NJ Personalized Plates


Being unique is what everybody wants to do. Personalized placards grant you that opportunity. If you plan to get one and please your needs, then you are at the right place. By reading this article you will have all the necessary data to start acting.

The latter covers all the facts about NJ personalized plates. It talks about the means to apply by explaining every step in detail. It also talks about the required expenses and limitations.

The characters’ number and the availability check are also discussed. Thus, continue to read further and explore with us.

NJ Personalized Plates

There are different types of customized tags that New Jersey offers its residents. The process of issuing and distributing them regulates the special Commission of Motor Vehicle.

So that to receive a customized tag, you must be a resident of New Jersey. Your car must also be registered here. The whole process may be conducted online.

There is another important point that you must be aware of. If you have been convicted of driving when intoxicated or reckless driving, you cannot apply (not to speak of other serious convictions within the past 10 years).

How to order?

You are able to customize a specialty or a regular plate. There are different means for you to choose:


The state has enabled its residents to order placards on the internet for their convenience. There are simple steps. You are to follow them. First, open the official web page of NJ. After you have done that, choose the appropriate section.

If you are going to do it in this format, you have to provide an account of MyMVC. If you do not have one, you are to create an account. For that, open the link to the web page provided above and follow the instructions.

After you have completed all these steps, ensure that you have your driver’s license number with you. The number of your tag is used during the application (not to speak of the social security number).

When everything is on hand, you can already pass to filling details in the application form. After this, you can make a credit card payment. The system accepts payments through Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, and Discover major credit cards.

In-Person or By Mail

In this case, you are to download the form and fill it out. The latter is the same form provided above. You may also find it in your local MVC office. In case you want to take it from the MVC office, call them at (609) 292-6500.

If you are not in the state and still need a consultation, contact them using the above-mentioned data.

After that, send the application. The address is mentioned on the form. If you apply via mail, then pay the required costs. After, send the check or the payable money order to the commission that deals with the procedure.

Leased Automobiles

If you are leasing your car, then you are not able to make use of the online procedure. If you want to have precise info about this, try to contact the MVC Special Plate Unit. You can call them at (609) 292-6500 or dial (888) 486-3339 which is toll-free.

Expenses of NJ Personalized Plates

You have to pay $50 if you would like to receive this type of tag. Besides this price, you are to pay all the regular expenses. Among them are the annual renewal fees and the placard fee. The type defines the fee that you must pay.


If you want to check the availability online, then there is good news for you. You are able to check the availability on the internet. The process that is described in the section “How To Order” will help you manage the procedure.


Unlike other states, New Jersey permits only 5 characters. The latter includes the letters, numerals, and spaces.


There are a variety of constraints. They may hinder you from getting a customized placard. The procedure controls the above-mentioned commission of the state. It approves or rejects your applications.

If they do not approve your submission, then there is something wrong. It also shows that you have used some forbidden characters and numerals. Thus, to avoid refusal, read the data about the symbols that you are able to use.

The next limitation concerns the content of the symbols. If it shows a negative attitude to a group of people, get ready to receive disapproval. If the content indicates vulgar or profane symbols or lettering, the commission will not approve.

The same happens if it shows a bad attitude toward an ethnic group. As for a set of combinations, if it is not decent or might be a threat to a person’s health or safety, it is not going to be approved.

Note For The Reader

If you need other data about a driver’s license in this state, go by the link provided. It studies all the requirements of an NJ driver’s license. It also talks about the means to apply, and the types of driver’s licenses.