North Dakota License Plate


North Dakota License Plate


If you are a resident in North Dakota and own a machine, you must pass through the registering process. This process is not so complicated. It is just a matter of some simple steps. First, you are to register your machine in the NDOT and apply for your ND vanity plate. You will get either a permanent registry or a free temporary registration permit, which is valid for up to 30 days. The registration fees vary from $25 to $120 and more. Then it comes to your number plate. You will need to choose a random one or a combination you want. There are also some categories for the license plates. Each type has its requirements, which you will learn in this article.


It does not matter what kind of automobile you own. Once you get it, register it in North Dakota, in addition to applying for a North Dakota license plate.

All the details concerning the requirements, renewal, etc. are analyzed in this article. Let’s go through them.

How do I register a vehicle and get a North Dakota license plate?

For registering a new vehicle in this state, you need to go to your local DOT office. Bring with you the following paperwork:

  • Completed application for Certificate of Title and Registration of a Vehicle
  • Proof of legal name (valid driver’s license, non-driver ID card)
  • A signed vehicle title and a 5% excise tax

During the registration, you should apply for a number plate in the NDOT (North Dakota Department of transportation). You need this plate if you are a new resident in this state or you buy a new automobile.

Please note that you have to change your out-of-state LP after becoming a resident in North Dakota.

How much is vehicle Registration in North Dakota?

When you buy a new automobile, you may use it for at least 5 days without registration. After that period, you will not be able to operate it. Otherwise, you will be stopped by law enforcement.

If you intend to stay in the state for a short time, you should get a free temporary registry permit, which is valid for up to 30 days. You may get yours from;

  • Local dealerships
  • Law enforcement offices
  • Motor vehicle offices

Temporary registration fees are the following:

  • $60 – 6 months
  • $120 – 12 months

For motorcycles, the fees are;

  • $30- 6 months
  • $60- 12 months

However, you should also pay a $10 permit fee. The payment methods are very straightforward. The NDDT accepts money order, check, credit card, by phone (701-328-2725), or online.
For a credit card payment, complete authorization of credit card (Form SFN 61787).

Note that the prices are based on the age, annual mileage, factory price, and weight of your machine.

Types of license plates in North Dakota

In ND, you may either choose standard or special number plates. Special plates include personalized and organizational ones. There is also a Disability category. It is for people with permanent or temporary disabilities. For that, you will need to have medical certification for your disability.

A personalized license plate makes your automobile unique and lets you stand out. It is used for advertising your business, company, school, etc. It can, in its turn, be standard and specialty. The number of characters depends on these 2 types.

The standard can have up to 7 characters, whereas specialty ones have fewer. You can check the availability of your preferred combination on the website of ND DOT.

Keep in mind that there are some associated costs for plates, registration, and renewal.


Every 10 months you need to renew your license. Both the front and rear number plates must be displayed in North Dakota. Motorcycles are exceptions. Just have one on the rear and make sure it is clearly visible.
In conclusion, whenever you own a vehicle, you are to go through the registration process by the law.